Gil Horsky - Israel FoodTech Industry

Gil Horsky on Israel’s FoodTech and AgTech Challenges: Unveiling Resilience Post October 7th

Gil Horsky, founding partner at Flora Ventures, sheds light on an interview with ‘New Food Economy’ on the challenges facing the Israeli FoodTech and AgTech ecosystem after the October 7th terrorist attack terrorist attacks. Over 600 venture partners have united in a powerful initiative, condemning the senseless acts of terrorism that have rocked the nation.

The discussion not only delves into the impacts of these attacks on Israel’s agricultural and food ecosystem but also explores how the global community can come together to support Israel and the Jewish people during these tumultuous times. The interview unveils the industry’s resilience and emphasizes the collective effort needed to navigate and rebuild in the face of adversity.

Click here to read the full article (in German).

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